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Clima Tact (incompleto)

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Clima Tact (incompleto) Empty Clima Tact (incompleto)

Mensagem por Admin Seg Out 28, 2013 8:34 am

Existem 3 formas do Clima Tact. Entre as 3 formas do Clima Tact, existe uma diferença gigantesca. O clima tact é um arma em forma de bastão que pode controlar o clima. A maneira de conseguir esta arma está explicada no tópico dos itens.

Atenção: O Clima Tact não gosto poder mágico como Magia e Akuma no Mi.

Clima Tact

Heat Ball: Produzido a partir do Pole Heat, ou quando o ar é soprado no final do mesmo ou abalado, a Bola de Calor é uma bola vermelha de ar aquecido que deriva ao longo do ar. Ele aquece a temperatura da área em torno dela.
Clima Tact (incompleto) Nami_Heat_Ball.thumb

Cool Ball: Produzido a partir do Pole Cool quando o ar é soprado no final do mesmo que flutua ao longo do ar. Ele resfria a temperatura da área em torno dela.

Thunder Ball: Produzido a partir do "Pole Electric" quando o ar é soprado no final do mesmo, a Bola de Trovão é uma bolha d ar amarela eletrificado que deriva ao longo do ar. Ele eletrifica o ar da área em torno dela.

Cyclone Tempo: Nami puts the "Heat Pole" and "Cool Pole" together like an X on the top of the "Electric Pole". She swings it like a bat, and the X detaches from the "Electric Pole" spinning towards her opponent. When the X hits, the hot and cold airs collide and create a massive wind that blows her opponent away. The X will return to Nami like a boomerang.[8] Ironically, Usopp added this function as another party use with no idea of its offensive power.

Mirage Tempo: O usuário usa a "Cool Ball" para mudar a densidade do ar e criar uma miragem dela.

Thunderbolt Tempo: Nami uses "Cool Ball" to make the air cooler while she uses "Heat Ball" to suck up the moisture. The heated air then rises and collides with the cold air. The air then condenses and creates a cloud. Nami continues to enlarge the cloud by producing more "Heat Balls" and "Cool Balls." Finally, she uses a "Thunder Ball" to electrify the cloud. Soon after, a powerful lightning bolt strikes her opponent.

Tornado Tempo: The only function that Usopp apparently installed in the Clima-Tact to be used in battle and not devised by Nami. He explains that this attack can only be used once and should be used only when the situation calls for it. Nami first combines the three pieces together into a T. In a bright flash from each end, two clockwork doves burst out and ensnare her opponent. The T then starts to spin rapidly until it finally shoots the captured enemy with extreme centrifugal force. After that, due to the doves being entangled with the enemy, the technique becomes unusable and the function cannot be used again unless they are reinstalled
Clima Tact (incompleto) Tumblr_mqc95tC2gA1qkugzno5_250
Uso por batalha: 1x

Fog Tempo: Ao usar "Cool Ball" contra fogo (mágico ou não), o usuário é capaz de criar nevoeiro do tamanho de uma casa normal. O inimigo "perderá" a visão e poderá ser atacado de surpresa.

Thunderstorm Tempo: An anime only technique wherein Nami creates a Thunderstorm with her Clima-Tact. First she creates a cloud by using "Cool Ball" and "Heat Ball". Instead of using a thunderball she adjusts her Clima-Tact into a triangle shape and throw it in the cloud. Lightning will then strike down to attack the enemy, then after a while rain will fall from the clouds.

Perfect Clima-Tact

Heat Ball: Produzido a partir do Pole Heat, ou quando o ar é soprado no final do mesmo ou abalado, a Bola de Calor é uma bola vermelha de ar aquecido que deriva ao longo do ar. Ele aquece a temperatura da área em torno dela. Após o Clima-Tact ser atualizado para o Perfect Clima Tact, esse ataque se torna poderoso o suficiente para fazer dano a um oponente em sua forma básica.

Cool Ball: Produzido a partir do Pole Cool quando o ar é soprado no final do mesmo que flutua ao longo do ar. Ele resfria a temperatura da área em torno dela. Após o Clima-Tact ser atualizado para o Perfect Clima-Tact, este ataque torna-se poderoso o suficiente para fazer dano a um oponente em sua forma básica.

Thunder Ball: Produzido a partir do "Pole Electric" quando o ar é soprado no final do mesmo, a Bola de Trovão é uma bolha de ar amarela eletrificado que deriva ao longo do ar. Ele eletrifica o ar da área em torno dela. Após o Clima-Tact ser atualizado para o Perfect Clima-Tact, esse ataque se torna poderoso o suficiente para fazer dano a um oponente em sua forma básica.

Thunderbolt Tempo:  An upgraded form of the move Nami could use with the Clima-Tact. With the Perfect Clima-Tact, the lightning created is now larger and strikes multiple times. Unfortunately due to its increased range and power, Nami has little control over it. This means that both friend and foe alike would be electrocuted.

Thunder Charge: Swing Arm:
Clima Tact (incompleto) Tumblr_lxmxuzuKx31qkugzno4_250
Uso por batalha:

Cool Charge - Mirage Tempo: Fata Morgana : O usuário cria 5 ilusões distorcidas do usuário. Uma alta e magra, uma criança, uma gorda, uma grande e musculosa e a normal. Apenas 1 é real. Qualquer  ataque que o usuário faça, será replicado pelas ilusões, porém apenas 1 será real.

Cyclone Tempo: An upgraded form of the original "Cyclone Tempo" that can be used with the original Clima-Tact. Nami bends one end of the entire staff and connects the piece to the adjacent piece. She then throws the oblong two-piece shaped combination at an opponent. The upgraded form appears to be more powerful.

Cloudy Tempo: A completely revamped version of "Cloudy Tempo". With this, Nami creates a small cloud capable of producing rain. This was first seen being used along with the Perfect Clima-Tact's Rain Tempo by Nami to cure herself of Kalifa's Devil Fruit powers.

Rain Tempo: O usuário faz chover numa pequena-média área.
Dano: --
Uso por batalha:
Efeito: Potencializa os golpes elétricos em 10%.

Dark Cloud Tempo : O usuário cria uma pequena, condensada e elétrificada nuvem.

Thunder Lance Tempo : One of Nami's most powerful moves. Using a cloud previously formed with Dark Cloud Tempo, Nami creates a lightning bolt going directly from the cloud to her Perfect Clima-Tact. Any opponent, should they be in the path of the lightning bolt, would be pierced by the bolt like a lance and given extreme electric damage to their body.

Cyclone Burst: A move used in the anime only Straw Hat Separation arc, where Nami attaches her Cool Ball and Heat Ball ends to the Wind Knot. It starts with Nami spinning the Cool Ball over her head and charging the Heat Ball below her. Then she throws up her Cool Ball end upwards and at the same time, releases all of the Wind Knot's knots. This creates a powerful cyclone that can disperse an extremely large storm cloud.
Clima Tact (incompleto) Tumblr_mswxn2eNjo1rcf543o8_250

Sorcery Clima Tact

Gust Sword : Nami points one of the three segments of the Clima-Tact at an enemy. A small bubble forms at the tip facing the opponent which then bursts and shoots a gust of pressurized air at an enemy at high speed.
Clima Tact (incompleto) Gust_Sword
Dano: 500
Uso por batalha: 5x

Mirage Tempo: Nami has been shown using an upgraded variation of this technique, allowing her to become invisible for an unknown amount of time. When she swings the Clima-Tact again, the mirage is released.

Black Ball: Raiun Rod: Nami makes a long chain of dark clouds come out of her Clima-Tact. She then swings the cloud chain around her, electrocuting anyone within range of it. It seems to be an upgraded version of her Thunder Lance Tempo and Thunder Charge: Swing Arm used in combination.

Thunder Trap: Nami creates three dark clouds, in what appears to be a triangular formation. When someone passes through the middle, the clouds electrocute it. It was first seen being used against a small Dragon on Punk Hazard. Nami was seen pretending to be a ninja by casting a Ninjitsu technique to create these clouds by shaking her index fingers, but she mistaken referred to it as a samurai impersonation.[5]

Heat Egg: Nami creates a small bubble on the tip of one of the three segments of her Clima-Tact. The bubble produces immense heat which can melt snow easily. It was first used in order to get Monet out of the way by melting her snow.
Clima Tact (incompleto) Tumblr_mu5adlfxAW1qkugzno2_250
Dano: 200
Uso por batalha: --
Milky Ball : Nami produces many giant balls made out of Sea Clouds which are able to survive on the Blue Sea. She then gathers up all of the balls and creates a wall with them, to hold back her opponent(s).

Weather Egg : Nami launches a large egg, which hatches to reveal a particular kind of weather.
Thunder Breed Tempo: After launching the egg at her opponent, she then commands it to hatch, calling it Lightning-chan, which then releases a large thundercloud, similar to Enel's Deathpiea ability, albeit on a smaller scale. After creating thunderclouds above her enemy, Nami can then take control of the lightning using her Clima-Tact, concentrating all of the lightning in the cloud into one blast and guiding it towards her opponent(s) to strike them down, making escape nearly impossible.

Shower Tempo: Nami makes a small rain cloud above her head. She uses the rain from the cloud as a way of showering.[10]

Milky Road : Nami creates a path made out of Sea Clouds, which are able to survive on the Blue Sea unlike normal Sea Clouds. It was first used to create a path to Punk Hazard over the sea of flames


Mensagens : 88
Data de inscrição : 18/09/2013

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